
Freedom in God’s greatest command

Bible passage: Matthew 22:36-38
Many Christians are familiar with this command, as it serves as the blueprint for how we should live our lives. When reflecting on this passage, two key questions should guide our thoughts:

  1. What does it truly mean to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind?
  2. Upon self-reflection, am I living by this command in my day-to-day life?

Consistently asking ourselves these questions will help keep us on track in our Christian journey. From my understanding, this command calls us to center our lives around God and strive to please Him in everything we do. Living a life dedicated to God should come before anything else—even before our own desires. Anything or anyone that takes precedence over God, including ourselves, becomes an idol.

Contrary to what some might think, this passage offers great freedom. Loving someone with all your heart, soul, and might is a significant commitment. It requires vulnerability and total submission, trusting that this person will never let you down or betray your trust. The only one truly worthy of such love is God, our Creator, who demonstrated His immense love for us by giving His only Son to die on the cross, offering salvation to those who didn’t deserve it.

The greatest gift we can receive is the opportunity to dedicate our lives to someone who loves and understands us more deeply than we could ever love or understand ourselves. When you live according to this command, you’ll experience freedom—freedom from the opinions and expectations of others, which will make you less vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks. Additionally, you’ll find it much easier to obey God, regardless of how the world perceives you. This is because your primary source of joy will have shifted from seeking the approval of the world to God. By living this way, you’ll not only find personal freedom but also become a blessing to those around you.

Stay blessed!

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