
Why does God allow Christians to go through suffering?

Bible passage: James 1:2-4 “My friends, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure. Make sure that your endurance carries you all the way without failing, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

Upon initial reflection, considering ourselves fortunate in the face of trials and temptations may seem unreasonable. We often perceive trials as unpleasant experiences devoid of any joy. However, upon closer examination, we discover that suffering is beneficial and essential to our Christian journey.
As human beings, our natural inclination is to resist anything that doesn’t bring immediate pleasure or cater to our desires. We often believe that pursuing what feels good is synonymous with what is best for us and what we deserve. Yet, as Christians, we understand that not everything that feels good is inherently good for us. Ironically, many things that cater to our fleshly desires, including sexual immorality, gluttony, and laziness, lead to destruction (Romans 8:6). While most Christians accept the need to crucify their flesh daily to live a life that pleases God, our perspective on trials may still require refinement.

God has unequivocally communicated that experiencing suffering is crucial to becoming more Christ-like. It was through earthly suffering that Jesus Christ attained perfection and became our High Priest (Hebrews 2:10). A closer examination of the scriptures reveals that God refines us through suffering. Suffering tests our faith, leading to endurance, spiritual maturity, and inner peace. In this state of perfection, our faith and trust in God become so genuine that no trial or temptation can shake, intimidate, or instil fear. We find constant peace and rest in Christ, irrespective of external circumstances. Unhindered communion with God becomes our reality as fear and sin no longer obstruct our connection with Him. This is indeed something to anticipate eagerly!

So when this passage encourages us to consider ourselves fortunate amid trials, the true fortune lies not in the suffering itself but in what we stand to gain on the other side. The reassuring aspect is that Jesus Christ, having experienced profound suffering on earth, is there to help us. We can find solace in knowing that we experience nothing that He cannot understand.

“And now he can help those who are tempted because he himself was tempted and suffered.” Hebrews 2:18.

“Dear friends, don’t be surprised or shocked that you are going through testing that is like walking through fire. Be glad for the chance to suffer as Christ suffered. It will prepare you for even greater happiness when he makes his glorious return.” 1 Peter 4:12-13.

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