
In whom do you place your trust?

Bible Passage: Psalm 146:3-6 AMP – Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation (help). When his spirit leaves him, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts and plans perish. How blessed and graciously favored is he whose help is the God of Jacob (Israel), whose hope is in the Lord his God, who made heaven and earth, The sea, and all that is in them, who keeps truth and is faithful forever.

In our daily lives, it’s common to find that our worries often stem from our perceived weaknesses. Take, for example, the anxiety that arises when faced with the challenge of doing a presentation at work, especially if communication is a perceived weakness. In such moments, the mind fixates on these weaknesses, conjuring up worst-case scenarios that further fuel our concerns. The conviction that our weaknesses define us can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, reinforcing the belief that things will inevitably go wrong.

In my own experience, I’ve adopted the typical approach of practising extensively to overcome these anxieties. However, the process is exhausting and doesn’t permanently alleviate anxiety in subsequent situations. Interestingly, my husband, who doesn’t invest as much time in preparation, consistently delivers impressive presentations. Intrigued, I asked him about his seemingly effortless ability to communicate effectively.

To my surprise, his answer had nothing to do with an innate skill. He shared that communication wasn’t naturally easy for him, but over time, he discovered a different approach. Rather than relying solely on his abilities, he learned to trust God. Before preparing, he seeks God’s help through prayer, trusting that God will bless his efforts. This shift in perspective allows him to spend less time rehearsing every word and more time on productive work, approaching presentations with a sense of peace.

Reflecting on our conversation, he drew a parallel to our upbringing. Just as I never doubted whether my parents would provide food, shelter, tuition fees etc for me due to the trust built over time, he emphasised the importance of building a similar confidence in our relationship with God. Our past experiences of God’s help should serve as a foundation for unwavering trust. While human support may falter, the message is clear: God never will.

For anyone grappling with anxiety, the encouragement is simple yet profound. Recall the moments when God has proven faithful in the past and take a leap of faith in the present. Trust that He has your back and will never fail you. In doing so, find peace in knowing that, regardless of weaknesses, there is a source of strength beyond ourselves.

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