
Overcoming Anger through God’s Guidance

Bible Passage: Ephesians 4:26-27: “And ‘don’t sin by letting anger control you.’ Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.”

When we surrender our lives to Christ and receive the Holy Spirit, an incredible transformation begins. With the Holy Spirit’s presence, we can resist our sinful desires and embrace a life honouring God. Ephesians 4:17-32 highlights the profound changes the Holy Spirit encourages within us. I encourage you to meditate on these verses. After all, out of sight is out of mind and meditating on God’s word day and night helps us to obey all that is written in it (Joshua 1:8).

Today, let’s delve into an emotion that is easily overlooked – anger.

Much like sadness, anger is unavoidable and not classified as a sin. However, allowing anger to dictate our actions becomes problematic. 

As humans, we can’t prevent the sensation of anger from arising. Yet, it’s alarmingly easy to let this emotion dictate our actions, often rationalising them solely because we are angry. I’ve found myself reacting inappropriately due to anger, and my defence was, “My reaction was a natural outcome of my anger, something beyond my control.” At that point, I genuinely believed my actions were warranted, and the onus for change rested solely on what others did to trigger my anger. Regrettably, I failed to realise that, regardless of my sense of justification, my reaction was wrong in God’s eyes.

Letting anger steer our actions may offer temporary satisfaction (a sense of standing one’s ground and self-preservation). However, it’s ironic how this fleeting gratification gives way to guilt as the dust settles. This guilt emerges because our actions have hurt the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, generating a sense of sorrow. This remorse should motivate us to change.

Anger is like a small flame. Allowing it to dominate your thoughts inadvertently grants the devil the opportunity to fan that flame with destructive ideas that oppose God’s teachings. Gradually, this flame intensifies into an uncontrollable blaze. In such moments, we become deaf to the Holy Spirit’s promptings, surrendering to the enemy’s influence instead. It’s within these moments that uncharacteristic sins emerge, as seen in the tragic story of Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-12). While extreme, this illustrates how far anger can lead us if left unchecked.

For those struggling with anger, here’s a practical tip that has helped me. When provoked and rage surges within you, pause before reacting. Offer a silent prayer to God, asking for His help. Confide in Jesus that although the urge to respond negatively is strong, you desire to follow His lead, not your emotions. In my experience, this prayer cuts through the haze of anger and creates a mental shield. This shield allows me to recall God’s word concerning the situation and empowers me to obey God over my rage-driven impulses.

You’ll likely discover that your Spirit-led response not only surprises the person who offended you but also carries a more positive influence than any anger-fuelled reaction ever could. Though initially challenging, living this way trains you to submit to God’s will above your emotions. Choosing God’s guidance over fleeting emotions will ultimately flood your heart with peace knowing you’ve pleased the Holy Spirit.

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