
You don’t watch porn but how about those fantasy books?

fantasy books causing lustful thoughts

Bible reading: Mark 7:20-23 NLT “And then he added, ‘It is what comes from inside that defiles you. For from within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you.’”

Porn addiction has long troubled the Christian community, a temptation many have faced at some point. However, while this subject deserves its own discussion, today’s focus shifts to an often-overlooked counterpart – Steamy Fantasy books. While I have remained vigilant against porn, I was caught off guard by the world of fantasy books, a discovery prompted by none other than Facebook ads. Unlike the blatant nature of pornography, fantasy books, particularly those with explicit content, operate more subtly. In my view, this very subtlety makes them all the more dangerous. Unlike watching porn, reading a book is harmless in the eyes of the public, allowing it to integrate into our daily routines seamlessly.

These seemingly innocent books, however, are deeply harmful to us as Christians. They sow seeds in our hearts and minds, nurturing lustful thoughts that defile us and grieve the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 reminds us that sexual immorality is a sin against our bodies and violates the temple where the Holy Spirit dwells. It is not limited to physical acts alone; even our thoughts are held accountable. Matthew 5:27-28 emphasises that entertaining lustful thoughts is just as grievous in God’s eyes as the act itself. Therefore, as Christians, we must diligently safeguard our minds by being mindful of what we consume daily.

Beyond nurturing these sinful thoughts, I discovered that these books can become incredibly addictive, taking up time that one could use to enhance their spiritual journey, relationships, and other aspects of life. I also noticed that the more I indulged in these books, the less motivated I was to read my bible. Gradually, my once-enjoyable quiet-time transformed into a daily chore, a far cry from the joyous experience described in Jeremiah 15:16. This shift was alarming, and I recognised the need for a change. While these books entertained me, they simultaneously fed my worldly desires while starving my spiritual life. This wedge between me and God prompted me to change, and since I did, my relationship with God flourished.

Therefore, I encourage you to evaluate anything that stirs emotions, like those listed in this week’s Bible reading. Consider removing such influences from your life. 

Our relationship with God is invaluable, and no temporary indulgence is worth jeopardising it.

To discover strategies for overcoming the influence of sin in your life, check out my related post by clicking here

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