
Experiencing God even when you are busy.

Often times we live our lives as though there is no God. We let the hustle and bustle of life direct us and sometimes we find ourselves overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things we have to do. Sometimes we may even start our day by reading our bible but subconsciously continue our day as though He doesn’t exist. Much like a man who looks in a mirror, sees himself and immediately forgets what he looks like the moment he walks away, we have no recollection of what read in our Bibles by the end of the day. (read James 1: 22-25) And gradually, as time goes by, reading our bible seems more like a chore or just something to tick on our todo list rather than something we delight in or look forward to. (Read Psalm 37:4) But the bible isn’t just a book that makes us fill good at the moment, but more like a blueprint to help us live a fulfilling and successful Christian life. One of my favourite passages that I like to go back to is the parable of the sower (Luke 8:4-15).
To summarise:
Jesus told a parable of a farmer scattering seeds across a field and focused not on the farmer but on the destination that the seeds fell and their outcome.
1. The seeds that fell on the footpath were stepped on and eaten by birds. – This represented those that heard God’s word but soon after the devil took it away from their hearts to prevented them from believing.
2. The seeds that fell on rocky soil grew but quickly wilted and died due to lack of moisture – This represented those that heard Gods word and received it with joy but fell when they faced temptation because they didn’t have deep roots.
3. The seeds that fell on among thorns grew, but was chocked by the thorns that grew with it – This represented those that heard Gods words but were overcome by the worries, riches and pleasures of life.
4. Finally, the seeds that fell on good soil grew and produced a crop that was 100 times more than was planted!! – This represented those that were not only heard Gods word but clung to it and reaped far more than was put in.

I love this passage not only because I could identify with all the scenarios (lol) but because it highlights the fact that reading our bibles can only take us so far. But clinging to his word (i.e. meditating) and obeying His word will get us to the finish line of truly experiencing God on a daily basis.

Tip: One thing I’ve started doing (especially during my busy days) is to set timer midday that reminds me to thank God and meditate on (or simply remind myself of) what I have read that morning. I find that it helps me to stay aware of God throughout my day.
Hope this helps in your journey to experience God every day.
Have an awesome day!
Remember, God, loves you!

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