Showing 4 Result(s)

The right attitude while waiting on the Lord.

What is your attitude while you wait on the Lord for something you’ve asked for? Do you grumble and complain the whole time, especially when you are believing for something that seems very unlikely to happen, or do you give thanks to God with peace and joy, fully trusting that He has your best interest …


Help! I Just can’t seem to get much from reading my bible!

Bible passage: Luke 8:4-15: 4 While a large crowd was gathering and people were coming to Jesus from town after town, he told this parable: 5 “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds ate it up. 6 Some fell on rocky …


Out of Hiding

One of My favourite things to do is to listen and sing along to christian worship songs, particularly Hillsong and Bethel. I came across the song ‘out of hiding’ on my playlist while studying and I found the words of this song so beautiful I had to share it. This song was written by Steffany Gretzinger and …


A work in progress…..

Hey Guys, So…. it’s been a while now I know I know but instead of writing a long explanation for my absence, I’m going to spare you the details (you’re welcome) and jump right into why I’m inspired to write today. So for a while now I’ve completely lacked the desire and motivation to not …