
Fear of letting go and letting God

Do you ever feel like you want to grow so much in Christ but something keeps holding you back?
You know at the back of your head that God’s plan for you is great and if you walk with him He will take you places you never thought possible. That thought excites you but you also know that in order for that to happen you have to lay your whole life to Him, trusting Him fully and that scares you?  Are you afraid that as a result of laying down everything to Him you will loose everything be it some friendships or relationships that you’ve been hanging on to or material things that you’ve felt convicted to let go of. Instead of just trusting God and taking that leap of faith, you then try to work your way around it. Trying to do more “Good deeds” to compensate for your lack of submission but the truth is that even though there is some blessing in those good deeds your mind is still not at rest because you feel like you are constantly reminded of passages such as proverbs 3:5‘Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with ALL your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.’ or Mark 12:30 – ‘29 Jesus answered, The first and principal one of all commands is: Hear, O Israel, The Lord our God is one Lord;30 And you shall love the Lord your God out of and with your whole heart and out of and with all your soul (your life) and out of and with all your mind (with your faculty of thought and your moral understanding) and out of and with all your strength. This is the first and principal commandment.’  The ‘all’ in those passages stand out to me every time I read it. The truth is that if you love God as much as you claim to, or trust in Him as much as you sing about it in church, submission wouldn’t be much of an issue for us. The truth is that if we even understood the ounce of love God has for us and greatness of who He was, we would understand that He knows us more than we know ourselves(well of course He does He created us!). He knows all of our weaknesses and fears and will not bring on us more than we can handle. He knows that without Him we are empty and burdened and that is why He is willing to take on our burden because He loves us greatly. It pains Him to see us struggling on our own when He is there to help. God is a lover and all He wants to do is love and bless us. He is our heavenly father but friend as well and doesn’t want to see us suffer unnecessarily. So instead of getting so caught up on all you may loose by fully trusting God and walking with Him, think about all the blessings that come with following God. The greatest of which is living with Him in heaven for eternity where there is no mourning or pain but joy and peace forever. Meditate on His word (the bible) and study His character because that will truly help you to understand how great and loving He really is and that will help us to trust in Him more because how can we trust in whom we don’t know right?
I will like to urge you to just take that leap of faith in trusting in Him and believing in everything that is written in His word and you will experience unconditional love and blessings that can only come from Christ Jesus. Don’t forget it all starts and ends with faith and I am truly excited for what He will do in your life when you decide to fully trust in Him!
Relevant study: Psalm 37


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