
Never Stop Believing!

Bible passage: Matthew 14:25-33
Verse 31: Immediately God reached out his hand and caught him, ‘You of little faith’, He said, ‘Why did you doubt me?’.
Sometimes we may read a faith building message and make a decision to believe God for something we know He has planned for us that is otherwise impossible to achieve by our own standards.
This usually brings joy as we picture ourselves already possessing it while we work towards it. Then all of a sudden we allow ourselves be consumed by how impossible our dream might be and begin to doubt God. For me that usually led to false disappointment (as I wasn’t patient enough in my faith to see what I believed in come to pass) and even depression. After the initial period of doubt I let myself believe that it was too late and that God would no longer do what I prayed for because I doubted Him and gave up on that dream. In this passage although Peter allowed his doubt to consume him and began to sink as a result, Jesus didn’t let him DROWN! Instead he reached out his hand and caught him. Always remember that although faith is important and doubting God is wrong, we are still human and we will stumble sometimes. God knows that and because of His love for us, He will always be there to catch us. So never give up on what you are believing in and even when you start to doubt remind yourself of Gods love and mercy. Seek Him, ask for forgiveness, continue your journey in faith and you will see the power of God in your life.

God Bless!

(2) Comments

  1. Amen Sister!
    Thank you & God bless you too!
    It did encourage me a lot. I think many times I pray and believe God for some thing, then I get distracted by the possibilities of it not happening and what not's. When I then realize how much I got consumed by all those thoughts, I beat myself up for entertaining doubt – still being distracted!! because I could call out to God like Peter did instead of spending more time beating myself up (Its more or less an extension of entertaining the doubts still!)
    Thank you for sharing once again :*

  2. I'm really glad it encouraged you!! Yes you are right just beating ourselves up about is still it a way of entertaining doubts. Never thought of it that way. Meditating on passages like these are what keeps me going.:) xxx

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